Friday, January 20, 2012

~Higher Self~

We begin our long evolutionary journey as evolving ‘Sparks of Spirit’, created out of and as a part of our Creator's own Being, particles of His own Spirit and Thought Force. Each newly created Spark of Spirit near the Godhead in time becomes the "Parent" of an extension soul of themselves, and thus the originator of an extended "family" of closely inter-related soul units. This "family" relationship with its original "Higher-Self" soul allows for a close inter-connection between the higher planes and the lower planes of existence. There is also a continuous sharing of experience, not only from lower levels up to the highest, but also from the higher level down to the lowest. The higher level intuitive advice passed down to the physical level helps prevent individual souls from becoming enmeshed in any one particular area of evolution and thus losing an overall sense of direction. The "Higher Self" continually tries to keep its 'family members' on the correct path of evolution.

And so we have the establishment of an elevated group of ‘Oversouls’, also known to us as our ‘Higher Self" or the ‘I Am Presence’. Each of these Higher-Selves is then allowed to create or birth a further group of 12 ‘Prime Soul-Extensions’ so as to extend the experience life on worlds nearest to the Spiritual Light Plane. Then these 12 Prime Soul-Extensions are themselves each allowed to create a further group of twelve souls, or ‘lower soul-extensions’, for experience on yet denser worlds. Thus there can finally arise a total 'Family Soul Group' of up to 144 closely related ‘Soul Mates’, all linked to the same "Higher Self".

This Soul Group of 144 will not all be incarnating together at the same time, or on a particular vibration-level or dimension, but instead may be manifested throughout a Galaxy on many other dimensional levels or planets. However, all the individual members of these groups, under their collective ‘Higher-Self’, will remain linked throughout their long evolutionary journeys as a group of related Soul-Mates, often incarnating in a particular world with one another as life-partners or friends, or as members of an extended family.

The Higher-Self ‘oversoul’ must nonetheless always observe the fundamental Laws of Karma which require that we all fully experience the cause-effect relationship between each of our actions and its results. Thus the Higher Self will always respect the self-determination or free will of each of the separately individualized lower soul-extensions. The High Self will only help when directly asked for assistance, and will never interfere to alleviate those hard lessons that each soul must learn for itself.

As the soul-extensions then descend into the lower worlds of materiality (e.g Planet Earth), they further develop their inherent split into the two major polarities of positive and negative; each expressing more and more forcibly the male (positive, outgoing active force) or the female (negative, returning/in-going, nurturing force) polarity. This is part of the Creator’s Plan; to provide the soul with a deeper balance between the two major polarities of Creation, and provide a strong impetus for each soul to return to the Unity of the Godhead. Thus, two ‘Twin Souls’ or ‘Twin Flames’, are created as part of one spirit at the highest level, and remain forever as eternally joined parts of one soul-extension. After descending and ascending through the Cycle of Evolution together, they are eventually destined to re-unite at the end of their long evolutionary journey, as one complete and androgynous Being (that is to say, united male/female), and yet they shall forever also be two souls-in-one and even retain an element of their two polarities as well as their individualities.

Each individual Twin-Soul, endowed during its descent into matter with a predominantly male or female polarity, thus acts as a balancing force to the other; one featuring an inherently forceful male/active/positive/outgoing characteristic, the other with a more receptive/nurturing/spiritualized/in-going female characteristic. This inherent division into two opposite, but magnetically attractive polarities, not only provides the necessary impetus towards a later re-unification of these two souls, but also promotes a desire within all individualized souls to seek unity with all other souls, and thus their eventual return to the collective Unity of the Godhead. As their evolution progresses, the Twin-Souls gradually learn to develop a greater balance between their two polarities or genders.

A confusion of sexual identity
Sometimes a Twin-Soul will switch gender for one particular incarnation in a physical world in order to learn from the inherent qualities of the other gender polarity. This explains the varying difficulties of sexual identity which many people experience down here on Earth, after they have in fact chosen on the spiritual planes to incarnate into an Earth body of an opposite and ‘unaccustomed’ gender. For instance, a soul of predominately female characteristics, when incarnating into a male body, will by nature be more attracted to the opposite sex, that is, another male. Likewise, a predominately male soul incarnating as a female, will most likely be seeking the close intimacy of the opposite polarity of attraction, another female. The sex-changes that many people have felt a strong urge to make through an operation, exhibit a more extreme example of this unaccustomed position of opposite gender.

Thus the Twin-Souls learn to balance the positive (male), out-going/forceful, with the negative (female), receptive/nurturing quality of their polarities. The masculine positive energy is thrusting and active. The feminine negative energy is receiving and acceptive. Both are equally necessary to achieve life. One cannot operate without the other. They will then eventually be in a position to become totally re-united as balanced parts of a united androgynous (male/female) soul, although they will each, as part of a greater united being, still retain a certain individually and an element of their original polarity.

When one Twin-Soul incarnates on a lower physical-level planet such as Earth, the other usually remains behind on a higher plane in order to provide a nearby spiritual connection with the higher world. There are occasions, however, when Twin-Souls do arrange to meet and share together an incarnation at the physical level, such as whilst undertaking an important joint mission on Earth. At such times, unless they have chosen to be born as close relatives or twins in the same household, the time and place of their first meeting on the dense physical level is always pre-viewed and pre-arranged on the Spiritual Plane. And so when they first meet on Earth, they often experience a feeling of instant and deep ‘love at first sight’, intuitively remembering their old love connection as well as recognizing their meeting place pre-arranged on the spiritual level. Such a ‘coming together’ forever touches a fundamental note of human longing amongst all of us, and is frequently featured in many of the romantic love stories of the earth plane.

Even when we may not be destined to meet our Twin Soul or Twin Flame down here on Earth, it is possible that we may instead experience a very close association with one of our own Soul-Mates, a member of our larger Soul Group. We may also quite likely have been closely associated with that particular Soul-Mate in a past incarnation, either as a former family member or as a close friend during a previous Earth experience.

The Higher Self
During the long evolutionary cycle, when souls descend into the lower worlds of 'matter' and then rise up again, the Higher-Self remains on the highest spiritual level, constantly accumulating and recording all the evolutionary experiences gained by those evolving soul-extensions on lower levels. This accumulated knowledge is then accessible back to them via the Higher-Self as an inner voice of conscience, always there to assist them in taking the correct course appropriate for their further development.

We can, therefore, with intent and suitable training, obtain access to all this accumulated spiritual knowledge via our Higher-Self, simply by turning our thoughts inwards in quiet contemplation and seeking a connection with our ‘I Am Presence’.

This store of evolutionary knowledge and abilities accumulated by the Higher Self also provides each of the lower incarnated souls with a background of traits, talents and abilities acquired during previous lives. This continuity of development and attainment explains why some people are born on Earth with unusually exceptional natural talents, such as in the field of healing or science, or perhaps as a scientific genius or musical child-prodigy.

The end of deception
As you advance further into the higher vibrations you will develop open communication with your own higher selves. At first this will appear as an increased connection to source. Everyone will develop more open communication culminating with a full connection to your own Higher Selves. In time you will be able to tap into the thoughts of each other through each other's higher selves. After a period of humorous adjustment, you will find this to be a great strength. When each one can see clearly the real motivations behind actions, there will be true understanding and compassion. This will leave no room for deception. Also misdirections of energy such as war will no longer be possible. The energy you are now walking into will bring possibilities you can not yet imagine. You are at the juncture of bringing the reality of "Home" down to your side of the veil.

To further guide and watch over us during our incarnations here on Earth, each of us has various Guides and Guardian Angels working from the Spiritual Worlds. At birth, our Guardian Angels keep a particularly close watch over us when we first incarnate into the physical body, especially up to the age of seven. Young children, whose etheric sight is usually still functioning, are indeed often able to see their Guardian Angels as they stand over them, protecting and guiding them.

A Guide may also be gaining some useful additional evolutionary learning experiences by watching our life and learning from our lessons.
However, whilst our Guardian Angels and our Guides are ready to advise and assist us at all times, there are two fundamental qualifications to this help. Firstly: they will not normally interfere unless we ask directly for their help; they must always respect our free choice and thus not deprive us of the important lessons we have to learn ourselves.

Secondly: we should not assume that ‘whatever we ask will be given’, for we must remember that Higher Beings have a higher, wider vision, and they will not help us to do something which is not for our ‘highest good’. It could be so easy for us to feel, when our fervent prayers for help do not appear to be answered, that we have been 'let down'. But we should understand that the links between us and our Guides were formed and exist on the higher Soul level. At this level they know, and indeed we too recognize when we are visiting the higher planes in our sleep-time, what is best for our ‘highest good’.

Ascended Masters
Apart from the personal help and advice we may receive as individuals, wisdom and guidance is also made available in its wider context to the Earth world by other Higher Beings, known as 'Ascended Masters'.

A Master may give his counsel unseen, perhaps guiding the voice or the hand of a prophet; or a Master may incarnate on Earth, giving through his life an example to mankind. A Master incarnate on Earth may even be "overshadowed" by a yet greater Master who, with his "junior's" consent, acts and speaks through him. The Master Jesus-Sananda was himself overshadowed in this way during the last years of his ministry by The Christ, the highest embodiment of the Creator. Thus "Jesus Christ" should not be thought of or referred to as one single "person", but rather as the Master Jesus-Sananda, for a time overshadowed by The Christ.

Masters, such as are part of Earth’s Spiritual Hierarchy, are highly evolved Beings with a fully developed degree of wisdom and consciousness. They fulfil Universal Service. They are not usually linked to any one individual soul on the Earth as are your Guides. They serve a far greater cause, and when they come to this Earth they come, not so much for the individual, but for Humanity as a whole. They often speak through trained and inspired channels to give messages to Humanity. When they do incarnate on the Earth, they come in order to serve Humanity and to bring wisdom and knowledge to the Earth as a whole. They are not so much concerned with the individual as with the Greater Plan. It is through the Masters that Knowledge for this Earth is thus revealed and given to Mankind, and that the Divine Plan for this Earth is revealed and carried out. [Note - Most of the material on this website is channelled information].

There is indeed a wealth of advice and assistance available to those who seek it in peace of mind and humility of spirit. Spiritual knowledge teaches that through a process of bodily lightening, detachment from ego-centeredness, and a developing awareness of the Universal Unity, we can open to worlds beyond our present limited perception of ‘reality’ and learn to receive the ‘Higher Knowledge’, the wisdom of our Guides and the Ascended Masters. And it may be said without exaggeration that we need all the advice and assistance we can get, for the incarnations we experience here on Earth at the physical level are the most difficult and testing in all of our evolutionary journey.

Twin Souls
When one of the soul fragments is of the male energy, and the other fragment is of the female energy, and both vibrate at the same frequency, then that specific pair would be twin souls or twin flames.

As an individual achieves a certain level of development, it becomes possible that a counterpart (twin) be brought into its life experience on this plane. Recognition would take place on a spirit and soul level. On a material level it would be subconscious contact with much love and understanding between the persons involved.

Parts of the same soul will join together one day after they have worked out all their karma. Countless lifetimes are necessary for this, and much depends upon the swiftness of spiritual evolution within each part of the soul before it can be unified. At any one time, there might be twelve extensions (fragments) of your soul all experiencing living and learning. Ultimately these forms of your soul are brought together in total unity and balance.   shared by Liora
Soul Extension/ Oversoul
By Dr Joshua David Stone 

The Spiritual constitution of every person on the path of ascension really involves four major parts. These parts are your Soul, Superconscious Mind, Oversoul and Monad or Mighty I AM Presence! 

Many people get confused about this because there are so many different names for these aspects of Self. Some people call the Soul the Soul Extension. It is the aspect of your Oversoul that is incarnated into a physical body for the purpose of becoming an Integrated Ascended Master, passing Spiritual tests and learning lessons, as well as being of service. The Soul is not one place in your physical body, like in your pineal gland or Heart Chakra, as some people think. The Soul pervades your entire physical body. Many people are not awakened to their Soul and think they are just a physical body. At the third initiation, which is called Soul Merge, one fully merges and awakens to the fact they are an eternal and immortal Soul. 
To Achieve Ascension You Must Merge With Your Soul, Superconscious Mind, Oversoul, and Monad. 

Secondly, we not only have a conscious and subconscious mind, we have a Superconscious Mind. This is literally a higher mind that can access the Akashic Records and is an aspect of God within you. It is your true teacher. Edgar Cayce became world famous, for he was a channel for this mind. The Superconscious Mind, also known as the Higher Self, has the job of training you to become an Integrated Ascended Master. So it is constantly giving you guidance, dreams, inspiration, intuition, thoughts, images, synchronicity and lessons to help you develop in the areas where you are weak, in terms of Self and God Realization. It guides you to books to read, workshops to go to, tapes to listen to and on and on. Every person should develop a close personal relationship to one’s Superconscious Mind. This does not mean you have to hear a voice like Edgar Cayce did, for the Superconscious Mind is communicating with you all day long through a variety of means, if you have the eyes to see and ears to hear. Your Superconscious Mind loves that you are doing this correspondence course and reading this lesson, for these teachings are part of the Superconscious Mind’s curriculum for you. On the path of initiation and ascension it is important that you merge and integrate with the Superconscious Mind. You do this by developing your consciousness to the point that your thoughts, feelings, emotions, energy, words and actions are all guided by and mirror the consciousness of the Superconscious Mind in how you live your life! Then the three minds function as one mind. You are the master of the subconscious mind and you are completely subservient to the Superconscious Mind, which is the consciousness of the Spirit / Christ / Buddha / Krishna / Moses / Mohammed / Mighty I AM Presence / God / Goddess Within. 

Then each person has an Oversoul, which is also their teacher. This Oversoul contains 12 Souls that it incarnates on different planets, which build the consciousness and virtue of the Oversoul. It is kind of like ten fingers on a person’s hand plus two. So, you are not the only Soul incarnating from your Oversoul. Isn’t God efficient! This is your Spiritual family, in a sense, all working for the Oversoul. 

Then to make things even more interesting, there are 12 Oversouls in your Monad or Mighty I AM Presence. So if each Oversoul has 12 Souls, and you multiply 12 Oversouls times 12 Souls, you come up with 144 Souls that make up your Monad or Mighty I AM Presence. The 12 Oversouls work for the Monad, just as you work for the Oversoul and the Monad. The Monads work for the Cosmic Monad who work for God! So in the process of ascension, one first merges with the Soul, then the Superconscious Mind, then the Oversoul, and then the Monad or Mighty I AM Presence! Then you are an Integrated Spirit / Christ / Buddha / Krishna / Moses / Mohammed / Mighty I AM Presence / God / Goddess living on Earth. This is the example the Sananda/Jesus set 2,000 years ago in his life on Earth. 

The Ascended Masters, Archangels and Angels, Elohim and Spirit-attuned Extraterrestrials all work with these aspects of self to help train you to become an Integrated Ascended Master and Enlightened Being. Once you achieve your Integrated Ascension and become an Integrated Ascended Master, of which there are very few on the Planet at this time, the next step is to call and merge with the Cosmic aspects of our Divinity, which are God, Christ and the Holy Spirit. The Mighty I AM Presence and Monad are your individual sparks of God within you. God, Christ and the Holy Spirit are the Cosmic aspects of Divinity for the entire Omniverse! So it is Spirit, the Masters’ and my hope that this brief discussion has given you a good, quick overview of the planetary and cosmic ascension process in terms of the Spiritual guidance you must merge with in consciousness, light and love, to become Self and God Realized! 

So Let It Be Written! So Let It Be Done!

I Am University
By Dr Joshua David Stone 

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

By Ben Shiff
Half Mine
~WingMakers Poetry~

When I see your face I know you are half mine
separated by the utmost care to remember all of you.
When I undress my body I see that I am half yours
blurred by sudden flight that leaves
the eye wondering what angels carved in their hearts
to remind them so vividly of their home.

When I see your beauty I know you are half mine
never to be held in a polished mirror
knowing the faithful hunger of our soul.
When I watch your eyes I know they are half mine
tracing a trajectory where sensual virtue is the very spine of us.
When I hold your hand I know it is half mine
wintered in kinship, it circles tenderness
beneath the moon and well of water when the feast is done.
When I kiss your lips I know they are half mine
sent by God's genealogy to uncover us
in the delicious cauldron of our united breath.

When I hear you cry I know your loneliness is half mine
so deep the interior that we are lost outside
yearning to give ourselves away
like a promise made before the asking.
And when I look to your past I know it is half mine
running to the choke cherry trees
invisible to the entire universe we found ourselves
laughing in sudden flight
eyeing the carved initials in our hearts.
Sparing the trees.

Saturday, January 14, 2012


The Root Chakra is located at the perineum between the anus and the sex organs. The color of this chakra is red. The parts of the body affected by this chakra are the lymph system, skeleton system (teeth and bones), the prostate gland in men, the sacral plexus, the bladder and elimination system, and the lower extremities (legs - feet, ankles , etc.). Also the nose, since it is the organ of the sense of smell, and associated with survival. The endocrine gland associated with this chakra is the adrenal glands. 

This chakra represents security, survival, trust, the relationship with money, home, job. The ability to be grounded, to be present in the here and now. The ability to allow one's self to be nourished, in the sense of allowing one's Inner Being to be satisfied. This chakra also reflects a person's connection with their mother, and with Mother Earth. How the person feels about being on the earth and their connection with the physical body. 

The Root Chakra channels the earth's energy up to our higher chakra centers and helps to ground us on the physical plane. The more we ground ourselves the greater chance we have of making our dreams real and developing into the people we would like to become. When we lose our connection to the earth, we cut ourselves off from the healing source of Mother Earth. We disconnect ourselves from our ability to lovingly care for and nourish ourselves as well as to provide the physical comforts we need. When we become disconnected, we become one of life's victims.

Sanskrit Name - Muladhara

LOCATION:   The first chakra is located at the base of the spine.

PETALS:   This chakra rules the lowest vibration of our body and has the slowest wavelength. There are four spokes, or petals. Four is the number of the square and foundations. The square is related to being honest, or giving a "square deal, the four energies of earth--earth, air, fire, and water, and the four directions. Four walls, four legs, or four wheels represent a strong foundation.

NOTE & MANTRA:   The note for this chakra is C and the mantra is "lam" or "e" as in red. Chanting these mantras in the key of D while focusing our attention on this area of our body can enable us to more consciously access the first chakra.

COLOR:   The color for this chakra is red, which is the lowest frequency of human's visible light spectrum. Red is the color of anger and/or vitality.

RULES:   The first chakra rules our PHYSICAL energies. Also known as the root chakra, it governs our vigor, heredity, survival, security, passion, money, job, and home. This chakra aids us in our everyday survival.

SENSE:   The sense of smell is related to this chakra. Our sense of smell is our most primitive sense, and is the first sense that awakens upon our physical birth. The receptors for smell are located at the base of our brain and feeds directly into our limbic system, which is the area of memory and emotion. Therefore, aromas can immediately access emotional memories stored in our unconscious.

ASTROLOGICAL SIGN:   The astrological sign associated with the root chakra is Taurus. The symbol for Taurus is the bull. Like our root chakra, the bull is a symbol of masculine power and fertility. The bull roots in the earth with his front hooves and lowers his nostrils toward the ground to warn any who would threaten his "herd". There are many cows in the herd, but only the strongest bull will be able to preserve the genetic integrity of the group.

 The first chakra is actually the basis of both our masculine and feminine energy. It represents our masculine will and male sexual organs as well as the feminine energy of the Goddess Kundalini. Therefore, a man can learn to integrate his feminine power and a woman can learn to integrate her masculine power through the clearing and opening of this chakra.

ELEMENT:   Earth is the element associated with the first chakra and the mineral kingdom is the top of that hierarchy. Crystals have been prized by humankind for eons and have also been used in esoteric healing. Since it rules our first dimensional self that is unable to reflect upon itself, perceptions from our root chakra are usually unconscious. This first dimensional portion of us can only be aware of a "hive or species consciousness". 

Even though, the first chakra has many masculine qualities it is also the "seat of the Goddess Kundalini" and is therefore often associated with our relationship with our mothers and with Mother Earth. Our relationships with our mother set up our attitude toward home, security, and money. If we are cut off from our roots, we feel cut off from the earth as well.

CONSCIOUSNESS:   The first chakra rules our survival consciousness and represents our deepest unconscious and most primitive self. This chakra represents the reptilian portion of our brain, which is our brainstem, our center for life support. The brainstem and the area immediately above it are called the reptilian brain because it is possessed by all creatures from reptiles to humans. For reptiles, this area is their entire brain, but for humans it is the base, or stem, of their brain. In fact, part of this area is known as the brainstem.

PERSONAL TIMELINE:   The first chakra represents birth to two years of age. This is the time before we have completed our process of individuation and still perceive ourselves as a part of our parents. This chakra represents our struggle to come to terms with our physical life and physical body. Our Multidimensional Spirits are new to the limitations and separation of our new 3D reality, and we struggling to learn how to control our physical earth vessel. Fortunately, we naturally travel into the higher dimensions at this age and can return Home whenever we are desperately in need of comfort and understanding.

NERVE PLEXUS:   The first chakra is located near the sacral plexus. The sacral plexus is the nerve center, which rules the skeleton, legs, feet, eliminatory system, male reproductive organs, and the prostate. If there is a problem with the leg or foot on the right, masculine, side of the body it can indicate issues of trust in one's will. If there is a problem with the leg or foot on the left, feminine, side then it can indicate issues with trust of one's emotional life.

CLEAR:   When the first chakra is clear we feel secure, grounded, and stable. We can use good "common sense" to balance our finances as well as our everyday responsibilities and still initiate new activities and interest. Our eliminatory system functions well, neural activity in our legs and feet is healthy, and our ability to initiate sexual encounters is comfortable and natural. Our root chakra is the home of the Sleeping Serpent, our Kundalini. When this chakra is clear and balanced the Goddess Kundalini Shakti can awaken and begin her gradual rise towards reunion with Lord Shiva.

UNCLEAR:   When the first chakra is unclear we feel insecure and fearful. We can also become absent-minded because we are ungrounded. We may also have a difficult time with our finances and day to day necessities. Whatever security we derive from material things can become threatened. There can also be problems with our home, which is our base of operations in physical life. We can become self-indulgent and self-centered and suffer from depression and grief. We may suffer from hemorrhoids, constipation, sciatica, or prostate problems.

 All of the above emotional, behavioral, and physical health issues have to do with the ability to let go. We cannot let go of our sadness, let go of material sources of comfort when finances require, or even let go of the waste material of our bodies. If we cannot release what is holding us back, we cannot move forward. Difficulties with our sciatic nerve and problems with our legs and feet display this dynamic. Prostate problems can arise from frustrated sexual or creative drives.

Sacral Chakra: The Will Of God

Second Dimensional Chakra: (Sacral)
It is associated with the color ORANGE

The Sacral Chakra is located in the lower abdomen below the naval and is developed during the age of 6-24 months. It is associated with procreation, assimilation of food, creativity, sexuality, vitality, desire, the will of spirit and emotional balance. When our sacral chakra is balanced we are willing to feel our emotions and are able to express ourselves without loosing our center. We enjoy pleasurable activities without having the need to overindulge in things that compromise our health and well-being. Unfortunately, many of us were taught not to express our emotions leading to emotional instability and the desire to numb our emotions with food, drugs and alcohol. 

In addition, the sacredness and power of our sexual energy has been greatly distorted and abused. Religions create shame, depression and denial of sexuality while big corporations use sex and sexually explicit messages to increase sells. Sex is either denied or overindulged creating all kinds of perversions, and addictions. We have lost touch with the intimacy and sacredness of sexual union partly because we have also shut down our emotional bodies. Unfortunately, blocking the natural flow of emotions and the powerful forces of our sexual energy creates blocks within our system that inhibits our natural flow of life force energy from cleansing and healing our entire system.

Balanced Sacral Chakra: Able to Express Yourself, Emotional Intelligence, Ability to Experience Pleasure, Healthy Sexuality, Nurtures Self and Others, Healthy Boundaries, Open to Change, Works Harmoniously with Others.

Unbalanced Sacral Chakra: Overindulgent in Food, Drugs, Alcohol, Material Things and Sex. Confusion, Lacking Purpose, Thrives in Crisis, Jealousy, Sexual Difficulties, Impotence, Poor Boundaries, Disconnected from Others.

Traumas to the Sacral Chakra: Sexual or Emotional Abuse, Neglect, Denial of Child’s Feelings, Alcoholic or Drug Addicted Families, Religious Extremes

Bodily Symptoms Expressing Blockage: Sexual DysfunctionImpotence, Aging, Stiff Lower Back, Inflexible, Uterine, Bladder or Kidney Problems

The Sacral Chakra is where we process our emotions. Many people are disconnected from their emotions (sacral chakra) because their root chakra is blocked. They are fearful (root) of lovingly and authentically expressing how they truly feel (sacral). Many of us were taught that crying and sharing our emotions was a sign of weakness. We bought into the idea that emotions were bad and ended up doing great harm to our sacral chakra. Instead of feeling our feelings and allowing our emotions to be expressed, in a healthy way, we tend to block them denying that they ever existed. 

When we actively begin healing the sacral chakra old stuffed emotions from our past, specifically our childhood, will begin to surface so they can be felt, expressed and finally released. In addition, memories of times you have hurt others will also be revealed for a final clearing. In order to truly heal and clear out our sacral chakra we need to revisit our disowned emotional aspects of ourselves that we have denied. Once these blocks are removed, we will free up space in our sacral chakra for divine energy to move up into our third chakra, the Solar Plexus.

Bill Ballard ~ Heart Chakra Activation

Jan. 06, 2012

Bill Ballard’s Expression of personal experience (ego) jointly with messages from Higher Self

The Heart Chakra activation is by far the greatest of all the Earth initiations. This is the spiritual transition from the 3-4D world into the 5th Dimension. It is the beginning step into ascended mastery, which, when taken and anchored, makes the individual a beginner ascended master. It marks the transition from the exterior world of ego ~ fear ~ (head) into the interior world of love ~ trust ~ (heart), which is a never-ending and eternal journey into who you truly are.

I have channeled other messages from my Higher Self (which in truth I now embody). But to explain the journey of my transition and transfiguration I must return to a personal experience I had. I am in “both worlds” as I tell this experience, as it does require me to return to a time when I was in my state of change.

As I look back to what happened to me I now realize that from each stage of my development I see things from my past in different ways, understanding more of the experience as I grow. This allows me to describe what it was in many different ways, and in ways I did not see even a year ago. Also, there are many persons activating their heart chakras now, and each has a different story. I am quite sure the old statement is true, that there are as many different ways to activate – climbing that stairway to heaven – as there are pilgrims that are, have ever been or will ever be on the path. But for certain, everyone on the way back home will go through their individual process.

Activating one’s heart chakra is the beginning of a sensation of perpetual bliss. It is the activation of that little flame of spirit in one’s heart, which we each have, into a small nuclear power plant, radiating light, or energy to the world, universe and everything else in existence. You become an energy bearer when you have reached this stage of ascension. You affect not only your life but the vibration of all existence. You step into the role of a conscious creator, never to return to the 3D. You realize the game and your connection to Source as being within yourself. From that point, you find all existence is within one’s self. The exterior world may be a trigger but the answers you discover lie within.
The way I activated my heart chakra was through being in love. I had a wonderful relationship that broke down the wall of emotions I had built up around my heart. I was triggered into activation by the love I shared with who I was told was my twin flame. We went our separate ways after our contract was fulfilled. During our time together we had different experiences to feed our mutual soul.

Twin Flames are not necessarily supposed to remain together unless they choose the same path. What many people don’t realize about falling in love is what is actually happening. I will do my best to explain.

Falling in love is actually an external trigger experienced with another which allows one’s heart to experience a love for self. That exterior trigger if not turned within causes one to fall out of love (the heart), back into the 3-4D of ego and head. Love is lost as it moves from the heart space into the head. Although the shift from heart to head is “up” it is, in reality, a falling in vibration.

The fall of Atlantis and the human species was a fall in vibration. Ascension is a lifting up of vibration. The key to activation of one’s heart – using “being in love” as a trigger – is to realize that the interaction with another person is that of allowing an individual to love him/herself. Does that make sense? One is using another to open the self up.
If two persons continue on the same path then they may use each other to further their personal activations. But if they split apart and go their separate ways, if the vibration is remembered, and that is what love is – a vibration – then it can be used to further activate the heart chakra.

In reality anything can be used to trigger this vibration. A memory can work. Love for your children, God, Nature, a pet, or even yourself. But as love for self is the ultimate goal there are different types of love for self. If it is ego or vanity based in the head then that will not work.

I guess I should explain here that there are two ways to love, one from the head (lust, need and necessity) and the other the true way – from the heart. Most persons having an Earth experience love from the head. They desire love to replace other things that are missing in their life.

To love from the heart, even when there is no external trigger, simply focus on your heart and you will experience that higher vibration of love, that feeling of pure bliss. When you focus that vibration in your heart for a period of time the heart chakra activates. A sensation of pure ecstasy begins that signals the activation of the heart chakra.
I have told others it felt as if I had birthed a little sun where my heart used to be. I have stated it is like a small nuclear power plant. Others laughed as I described it as a perpetual cosmic orgasm, which, as I look back is a pretty good description. But that is only the beginning as sooner or later, all other chakras will activate, and that cosmic orgasm grows to ever higher intensities of sensation. Activation of the heart chakra is only the beginning.

Now there is a process you follow as you learn to move your focus from your head to your heart. Those who meditate may know that sacred place in the heart called the heart of hearts. Behind the heart is a doorway to the universe you see on the outside. You go in to get out, if that makes sense. What I wish to express here is that even without being in love with another you can trigger the activation a different way.

In meditation you can find that sacred place in the heart by shifting your consciousness to your heart. When your consciousness hits that “sacred heart” you will feel your heart  flutter. It may skip a beat. You may feel an instant rise in your physical frequency or a sensation of ecstasy. It may even frighten a beginner as this is such an unusual sensation when it occurs. The key is finding that place and learning how to remain centered and focused there. The same feeling occurs when you use your love for another to flip that switch.

There is a switch in that sacred spot of the heart. What you have to do is to turn that switch on. Feeling love, remaining focused on that spot, is the priming of the pump. You are putting fuel into the carburetor to fire up the engine for the first time. Really it is not your first time. When you do this you have memories of home, of what it is to truly be in the higher dimensions from whence you came. There is a sensation of feeling drugged when you truly connect with source. In years past it was said by many that this sensation could not be permanent, but get over that. It can be and that is what we are here to do if you desire mastery! It is only the beginning and whatever speed you choose to elevate your consciousness from that point is up to you. How quickly or slowly you progress relates to the amount of time you put into your heart-centered focus and intent.

=As I look back on this life I see many persons looking for a way out – doing drugs, drinking, smoking or using others to make themselves feel good. They were actually looking for this sensation found inside when you finally activate your chakras. Drugs and peoples searching for answers there, brings the same sensations you can have permanently as you do your work. IT IS HOME! We all had the memories of home, the connection though activation, but were looking for it from an external source, from the illusion rather than the truth. The truth is only found within. All exterior is the illusion created from within. People, you create your own reality by your thought and emotion. Ascended Mastery is the mastery of the vibrations which create the illusion from within your own self. Do you get that? You ARE the creator of your illusion! Ascended Mastery is the activation of your energy body to give more power to the creation of your illusion! Simple and Easy!

Turning inside is key. When you finally realize your exterior illusion is a direct result of your interior reality, and then the only way to proceed is to go ever inside, deeper into that which is what you truly are, an eternal being of consciousness, of vibration and follow that cord back upward, ascending homeward to source. From that source point is where you are connected to All That IS, every atom and its components in all of existence. All of existence will work with you in harmony as you master the vibrations and ask it to join you. That IS manifestation. Mastery of the vibrations around you and the creation of exactly that you wish to manifest is what we do. Being awake and knowing how it works, consciously co creating is the path of the ascended master. Whether you realize it or not now, we ALL are going down this path. Everything in existence is vibration, Holy Spirit, and all is working its own way back to source having experiences and feeding the Akash or Mind of God.

Okay, so back to Heart Chakra Activation, first you must focus on the love, or that sacred spot in the heart until you feel the sensation of bliss occur. Then an initiate must learn to maintain that focus for a period of time, dedicating himself TO HIMSELF. Remember you are God in training! I AM THAT I AM! Get it? When you realize that inside is the only reality, and that is what creates the external world, then why focus anymore on the external as the internal is the creation. Meditation becomes 24/7 as you turn inside. Meditation is devoting time to source, which is only found inside! When you focus on this inside for periods of time, consciousness expands and the encodings unlock. Key is devotion to doing this. Why do anything else? All else is the illusion! See?

The heart chakra will activate sooner or later. In years past because of the lower frequency of Mother Earth and humanity it took longer periods of time to accomplish this activation. The ones you think of as Ascended Masters, in the higher dimensions (and many of them are here and incarnate now showing humanity how to go through the process), they may have spent a whole lifetime in those lower dense vibrations to activate their chakras. When they did, they could no longer remain in the 3rd dimensional world as their vibrations were too high. The stories of them lifting off planet, physical ascension, are common in all holy books. Now as Earth is vibrating faster those doing this can remain. Actually at the 6th initiation, which is activation of all original 7 chakras inside the physical body, you do have a choice to leave planet. All of us doing this process at this time are asked to please remain as we are the conduits for channeling these energies into Mother Earth and we are the cause for the raising or the vibrations ascending humanity. This is how we are of service.So, when that sacred switch is found and turned on within the sacred heart spot and the chakra activates one must make it permanent. All chakra activations and higher downloads once initiation is taken and it is initiated into the physical body, that activation must be “anchored” to make it permanent. All this is to remain focused on that higher vibration or energy swirling around in whatever chakra is being activated for an even longer period of time. Sooner or later it will become permanent.

For those of us who were doing this in the most dense of vibrations before Earth was aligned with Galactic Center as she now is, this took long periods of time. In lifetimes past, this would take a whole lifetime to activate one chakra. Since the Harmonic Convergence and Earth and humanities entry into the 4th dimension with the Harmonic Convergence of 1987, attuning the planets vibrations, and then the later Opening of the 11:11 Doorway which made the planets and humanities frequencies increase, the time it takes to activate ones chakras, and go through the ascended mastery initiations has been made far less. What took a lifetime before 1992, after took a few years.It took me years to activate my heart chakra, having to relearn, or remember the dismembered process encoded into my being. I spent from the late 1980s, sidelined by events that shifted me from heart centered prior back to head focused. It was a back and forth volley for me for about 15 years or so. I did not remember what it was and how to do what I explain to you here. I pass on my understandings so you get it more easily and in so doing, we change humanity ascending all who will awaken and see the truth. Together we are not only ascending Mother Earth, or humanity, but we are ascending the Entire Universe. Boy, I wish you could see the BIG PICTURE of the Divine Plan from my point of view. WE are doing this!What took me years to accomplish I am watching others newly awakening do in months. I am seeing those who were totally asleep in 2009 waking to what is going on around them, shift their focus inward, activating themselves and going through this process in a year, or less. But there is far more to go through in this ascension. There is on a universal level more than 350 initiations of activations we go through in our training to become a Creator God finding our way back to Source ourselves. Heart chakra activation is only #5, entry into the 5th dimension, and the end of the karmic cycle of life and death. It begins the transfiguration process as the light, energy, prana, life force transforms the physical body. But the transfiguration takes time.

This LIGHT or energy is VERY potent! That is what all that is, is composed of. You are becoming a generator of your own light. At first, when you go through the process, you will be sent light to aid you from the Universe, Ascended Masters, Archangels, your Guides, Your Higher Self, Soul Monad or so on. As you go through this process, it is like walking and you are not held so much by these adults. They remove their aid to you, letting you walk on your own. It is all a process. So somewhere between the 6th initiation of activation of the 7 original chakras, and the 7th initiation which is the 7 higher chakra downloads of those 7 original chakras, the activation of the Ascension Chakra, and the turning of the chakras which are 90 degrees to your Antakarana or Life Cord to a vertical position forming the Ascension column, about that time, you are on your own in creating your own light. You are learning to walk.The Heart Chakra Activation is only the very beginning initiation into Ascended Mastery. You are a Baby Ascended Master when you activate your heart chakra. You are just being born into the Divine. Just like all other adults, we LOVE seeing new babies coming into the universe helping to expand creation! We send you love and gratitude for your decision to awake your divine consciousness and for your focus and shift to a higher way of being. WE are so very grateful for your Ascension from the illusion into true reality.

As people do this in numbers we shift or ascend our universe.2012 is upon us now. The first mass wave of those taking the 5th initiation on Earth was in late 2009. So much has occurred in the vibrational shift of Earth and humanity since then. That first wave, which took about 8000 persons on the planet activating sent out ripples into all of humanity and began the process of Earth/Humanities Ascension in earnest. Really this has been going on for thousands of years building to this point, but it is that activation of so many persons incarnate into these lower frequencies, by their activation and raising themselves into the higher frequencies that has begun the ascension of Mother Earth and mass ascension of Humanity. The more people join in, the greater the wave.

The second wave occurred in spring to summer of 2010 in the middle of the Gulf Oil Spill, BPs Bottomless Pit, of Revelations 9 or the Hopi 7th sign of their prophecy. As that event happened it activated hundreds of thousands of persons globally. By summer of 2011 the ripples of those activated now had caused tens of millions of persons to activate. AS we enter the time of 2012 and the End of the Great Awakening has completed, and the 11:11 Doorway has closed, there is one final mass group of humanity choosing the light, spirit, ascension that will go through this process. It takes time, although much quicker than has ever been before in the history of Earth.

Transfiguration of the physical being cannot be done in an instant. What is occurring within is like being put inside a pot of water that is comfortably warm as you get in, but it is increasing to the point of boiling as vibration and spirit increases. IF you do this from a position of comfort, in slower vibration as you enter the water, it is comfortable. Mother Earth is raising her vibration as more of us light up. Soon it will be uncomfortable for all those who are not joining. Many of us said years ago, that 2012 will be the culling of those choosing ascension and those choosing to remain in karmic 3-4D worlds. There is a separation, and those remaining as Earth ascends will not be able to go with her. They will continue on their choice of the cycles of life death and karma until another cycle of ascension comes for them. But it will not be here. 2012 is the time of the culling.When one understands that life is nothing but a learning experience of mastery for the soul, and one is the soul and that the soul is eternal, then that individual can release attachment to those around them. They realize the soul they know as their parent, child, brother, sister or friends, is only in this incarnational illusion. WE have all been these things to each other.

We have all been male or female in our experiences on Earth to gain the mastery we now realize. If a soul is not complete with that experience of their own mastery, it is not a bad thing for these other souls you love as your parents, spouses, children (who are now all of higher vibration) or friends to choose to remain in the lower vibrations for that souls further 3-4th dimensional experiences. WE all come in and out of this cycle for these experiences. When the soul has completed the experience, at the next cycles of ascension, as we are now in, awareness’s will be made to the incarnate soul that another graduation period begins. They have choice to remain in the illusion or raise their consciousness for ascension.

Right now is such a time of choice. This is the final group to go through this process, and is the greatest mass of humanity to ever go through this process as one time. Before 2009, in all of Earth’s cycle of the previous worlds, it is said that with the other “mass ascensions” there have been only 8000 that have mastered and completed the process. There are literally tens of millions now. This is what is ascending the universe, as we each are ambassadors representing the ET civilizations also ascending though our experiences. EVERYONE here on Earth at this time is the representative of their Star Families. I hope you realize the importance of the choice we each have to make of our own personal ascension, because of that. But, the civilization you represent does not have to remain in the lower vibrations if you chose to do so yourself. All is a personal choice for each individual. You are ALL Creator Gods of your life!
With Unconditional Love for All That IS.

Bill Ballard