Monday, April 9, 2012

Divine Chart "The Mighty I AM Presence"

Understanding Your Spiritual Nature

There are three figures represented in the Chart of Your Divine Self. The upper figure is the I AM Presence, the I AM THAT I AM, the individualization of God's presence for every son and daughter of the Most High. The Divine Monad consists of the I AM Presence surrounded by the spheres (color rings) of light that make up the body of First Cause, or Causal Body.

The middle figure in the Chart is the Mediator between God and man, called the Holy Christ Self, the Real Self or the Christ consciousness. It has also been referred to as the Higher Mental Body or one's Higher Consciousness. This Inner Teacher overshadows the lower self, which consists of the soul evolving through the four planes of Matter using the vehicles of the four lower bodies—the etheric (memory) body, the mental body, the emotional (desire) body, and the physical body—to balance karma and fulfill the divine plan.
Three Figures Correspond to The Holy Trinity

The three figures of the Chart correspond to the Trinity of Father, who always includes the Mother (the upper figure), Son (the middle figure) and Holy Spirit (the lower figure). The lower figure, corresponding to you as a disciple on the Path, is the intended temple of the Holy Spirit, whose sacred fire is indicated in the enfolding violet flame.

The lower figure is surrounded by a tube of light, which is projected from the heart of the I AM Presence in answer to your call. It is a cylinder of white light that sustains a forcefield of protection twenty-four hours a day, so long as you guard it in harmony.

The silver cord (or crystal cord) is the stream of life, or lifestream, that descends from the heart of the I AM Presence to the Holy Christ Self to nourish and sustain (through the chakras) the soul and its vehicles of expression in time and space. It is over this 'umbilical cord' that the energy of the Presence flows, entering the being of man at the crown and giving impetus for the pulsation of the threefold flame as well as the physical heartbeat.

The threefold flame of life is the divine spark sent from the I AM Presence as the gift of life, consciousness and free will. It is sealed in the secret chamber of the heart that through the love, wisdom and power of the Godhead anchored therein the soul may fulfill her reason for being in the physical plane. Also called the Christ flame and the liberty flame, or fleur-de-lis, it is the spark of a man's divinity, his potential for Christhood.

When a round of the soul's incarnation in Matter-form is finished, the I AM Presence withdraws the silver cord (Eccles. 12:6), whereupon the threefold flame returns to the level of the Christ. The soul clothed in the etheric garment gravitates to the highest level of her attainment where she is schooled between embodiments in the etheric retreats until her final incarnation when the Great Law decrees she shall go out no more.

The dove of the Holy Spirit descending from the heart of the Father is shown just above the head of the Christ. When the son of man puts on and becomes the Christ consciousness as Jesus did, he merges with the Holy Christ Self. The Holy Spirit is upon him, and the words of the Father, the beloved I AM Presence, are spoken: "This is my beloved Son, in whom I AM well pleased" (Matt. 3:17).

❖ The Threefold Flame ❖

The threefold flame, or divine spark, is the seed of the divine within us. It is the seed of the Inner Christ and the Inner Buddha.

The threefold flame within the heart chakra embodies the same qualities of love, wisdom, and power that manifest in the heart of the Almighty, in the heart of your I AM Presence, and in the heart of your Higher Self.  This divine spark is your passport to immortality.

The threefold flame resides in the secret chamber of the heart. It is the Eighth Ray and the eight-petaled chakra.It is like the antechamber to the twelve-petaled heart chakra.

The Heart Chakra – Your Link to Divinity

The heart is the soul’s link to divinity. This is because the I AM Presence placed aspiritual flame—the essence of itself—in each one’s heart. This flame is also the essence of God, because the I AM Presence is an emanation of God.
Right within your own body temple are three fiery plumes of the Holy Spirit—pink, yellow, and blue pulsations of living flame. Thus the heavenly Trinity gains expression in the world of material form. And the energies of Father (blue), Son (yellow), and Holy Spirit (pink) are resplendent in the heart of man.

Power, Wisdom, Love

Also corresponding with the trinity of body, mind, and soul, the threefold flame supplies man’s needs for

Power to run the body (the faith and goodwill of the divine intent);
Wisdom to nourish the mind (illumination and the right use of the knowledge of the Law); and
Love to fulfill the destiny of the soul in conscious outer manifestation (a just and merciful compassion that is always rewarded by individual creative fulfillment).

The blue plume embodies the desire of the soul to do the will of God. It is the quality of thrust toward one’s goal as an inner resolve and power to accomplish. It symbolizes an ability to take leadership over oneself and others.

The yellow plume represents the right use of knowledge of all kinds, a wisdom and discrimination based on the standards and principles of truth such as those found in the major world religions. It is a love of learning and a desire to impart what one has learned to others.

The pink plume represents love and compassion, the very nature of God. This love knows the difference between sympathy, a debilitating emotion, and empathy, a strengthening one. It is not smothering or controlling but supportive and freeing.
The ideal is that these plumes are balanced within us so that power is tempered with love and love is saturated with wisdom. Leaders without love become tyrants. Parents who do not balance love with discipline rear children that are likely to be irresponsible and self-centered. In reality, true love is the perfect balance of the three plumes—an empowering and wise compassion that expresses the essence of God’s being in ways that only bless and benefit mankind.

The flame within the heart is your personal focus of the sacred fire. It is your opportunity to become one with your Higher Self, whether you call it the Christ, the Buddha, the Tao or the Atman. It is the potential of your Divinity waiting to burst into being within your humanity.

Long ago, during the first three golden ages before man’s departure from innocence, the crystal cord was nine feet in diameter and the threefold flame enveloped his form. Man’s source of energy was literally unlimited and his higher consciousness was all enfolding. After the Fall, man’s opportunity to exercise his free will was curtailed. By cosmic edict the threefold flame was reduced to one-sixteenth of an inch in height.

As the flame of illumination expands from within your consciousness, it gradually enfolds your being until God, as holy wisdom, is enthroned upon the altar of your heart. But with each increase of wisdom, the power and love plumes must also rise by the fiat of your devotion; else the wisdom will not be retained. Likewise, with each getting of power there must come the attainment of wisdom and love in perfect balance. So, too, love is actualized only through an equivalent manifestation of power and wisdom.

On the average, the threefold flame is one-sixteenth of an inch in height, but its plumes are usually not the same size. Only when the three plumes are in balance can the threefold flame expand as a whole. And when your threefold flame expands, yourspiritual light and power will increase exponentially.

How can you balance the three plumes so that they are equal in size and intensity? Through devotion to God and service to life.

Saint Germain advises us to meditate on the qualities of each plume to determine, through our soul sensitivity, which of the three is the weakest and which is the strongest. Then, he says, we can use the power of the strongest plume to strengthen the two weaker plumes.

You can tell when your plumes are not balanced by how strongly you feel God’s power, God’s wisdom or God’s love in your heart. If you do not feel the first, second or third plume of the Trinity pulsating in your heart, then you know that you must exercise the neglected attribute or attributes.

For instance, if your blue plume is your strongest plume, then it is in command of the yellow plume as well as the pink plume. Maintain your strength in the blue plume and use it to shore up the yellow and the pink plumes. Then take action to increase the pink plume and the yellow plume, thereby attempting to establish equilibrium between the three even while you fan the fires of the heart.

If you have a tendency to withhold love from your adult self, from your inner child or from others, go out and find those who need your love and give cup upon cup of Love’s elixir to all who will receive your love. Stay with this assignment until you feel the strength of God’s love in your heart and you know of a certainty that you have brought the pink plume to the level of the blue plume.

Now, if you sense that you are not exercising the wisdom God gave you—by teaching the illiterate to read and write, for instance—then bring the sunbeams of God’s wisdom to those who need them most. Serve others selflessly and you will know the freedom of giving away the gifts of the Trinity.

Your goal in this process is to balance the threefold flame so that the love of your heart may also be equal to the intelligence of your mind and to the determination of thewill of God that he sealed within you in the Beginning.

Balance the Threefold Flame in Me Decree

Balance the threefold flame in me! (give 3 times)
Beloved I AM!
Balance the threefold flame in me! (3x)
Take thy command!
Balance the threefold flame in me! (3x)
Magnify it each hour!
Balance the threefold flame in me! (3x)
Love, wisdom, and power!